Friday, November 19, 2010

Healthy Chocolate - Healthy Food Never Tasted Better

Healthy Chocolate comes with some of the most essential nutrients needed by most Americans. This is probably why we all have chocolate cravings.

The fruit of the cacao tree contains cacao seeds or beans. If you peel open a seed or bean, that's where you'll find the chocolate or chocolate nib.

Highest Amount of Antioxidants

The highest amount of antioxidant flavonoids goes to low temperature treated and unprocessed chocolate. These antioxidants help to protect your body from the damaging effects of free radicals.

Antioxidant Flavonoid Health Benefits:

Helps repair damage caused by free radicals

Reduces blood clotting

Improves circulation

Reduces risk of stroke and heart attacks

If your looking for a high antioxidant chocolate treat, choose dark chocolate over milk chocolate and for the highest amount choose raw chocolate.

Contains the Highest Magnesium Levels

Healthy Chocolate is a great way to help balance your brain chemistry during that time of the month or any time of the month. Women seem to crave chocolate more then men and this could be due to a need for the mineral magnesium.

Women aren't the only ones who need magnesium as the majority of Americans are quite deficient in this important mineral. It is vital for the regulation of your blood pressure and for the health of your heart.

Healthy Fatty Acids

Chocolate is composed of saturated fats as well as monounsaturated fats. The saturated fat in chocolate does not appear to raise your cholesterol levels.

The monounsaturated fatty acids found in chocolate is called oleic acid. Olive oil also contains this heart healthy monounsaturated fatty acid.

Contains "Feel Happy Chemicals"

Phenylethylamine and anandamide are the chemicals responsible for altering your brain chemistry.

Phenylethylamine gives you the same feeling as falling-in-love. It also increases your alertness and your focus.

Chocolate increases anandamide in your brain and the enzyme inhibitors found in anandamide helps to keep a lasting feeling of relaxation and bliss going.

Healthy Chocolate is Uncooked Chocolate

Low temperature treated chocolate is considered a super food because it retains its valuable nutrients, vitamins and minerals.

It's a great source of the minerals magnesium, zinc, iron, copper, calcium and potassium. You can also find vitamin E and B vitamins in this super food.

You will not find much caffeine in raw chocolate. What you will find is the sister molecule of caffeine which is called theobromine.

Experiments have shown that these stimulants are far different when consumed raw. Chocolate has a much more stimulating effect when it is cooked or roasted.

More Information:

To find some of the best raw cacao and cacao smoothie ideas, go to Raw Cacao Powder. For more information on antioxidant foods visit Destination Healthy Foods.

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